Categories: Size reduction

8 Advanced Techniques for Reducing Docker Image Size in Microservices

In modern software development, especially with the use of microservices, managing Docker images efficiently is important. Small images lead to faster deployments, reduced storage use, and better performance. This is important in continuous integration and deployment pipelines, where speed and efficiency are very important. Small  images also consume less storage, saving costs and optimizing resource usage.

This article explores advanced methods for reducing Docker image sizes in a straightforward manner, making them accessible to developers of all levels. By following these strategies, you can keep your Docker images lean and efficient, contributing to smoother and more effective software development and deployment processes.

1. Multi-Stage Builds

Multi-stage builds are a powerful technique for creating small images. Instead of building your application in the same image that will run it, you use two separate stages. The first stage builds the application, and the second stage copies only the finished product to a small image.

How It Works:

  1. Build Stage: Use a larger image with all the tools needed to build your app.
  2. Production Stage: Use a small image for running the app, copying only the necessary files from the build stage.


In this example, the node:16 image is used to build the app. The final small image uses nginx:alpine, which is much smaller, and only includes the built application.

2. Minimize Base Image Size

The base image you start with affects the final image size. Choosing a minimal base image, like those based on Alpine Linux, helps keep the image small.

How It Works: 

Base images are the foundation of Docker images, providing the starting environment for your application. Using a small image means it’s lighter and has fewer pre-installed features, resulting in a smaller, more efficient Docker image that is faster to build and deploy. For example, Alpine Linux is a compact base image that contains only essential components, reducing overhead while ensuring your application has what it needs to run.


Here, python:3.9-alpine is a lightweight base image that helps keep your final image small.

3. Optimize Layering

Docker images are made up of layers, with each command in your Dockerfile creating a new layer. Combining commands into fewer layers helps reduce the overall image size.

How It Works: 

To optimize Docker image size and efficiency, combine multiple commands into a single RUN statement rather than using separate ones. For example, instead of having separate RUN commands for updating packages, installing software, and cleaning up, use a single RUN statement with && to chain the commands together. This method reduces the number of layers in the image, leading to a smaller and more efficient Docker image.


This combines updating package lists, installing packages, and cleaning up into one layer, reducing the size of the image.

4. Remove Unnecessary Files

After installing software, temporary files and caches can be cleaned up to save space. Removing these files ensures they don’t take up space in your final image.

How It Works: 

Use cleanup commands in your Dockerfile to remove temporary files and package caches that are no longer needed after installation. This helps to reduce the final image size by clearing out unnecessary files that can accumulate during the build process.


In this example, apt-get clean and rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* remove temporary files and package caches.

5. Use .dockerignore Files

The .dockerignore file works like .gitignore and prevents unnecessary files from being included in your Docker build context. This helps reduce the size of your Docker images by excluding files that aren’t needed.

How It Works: 

List files and directories you don’t want to include in your Docker image by specifying them in a .dockerignore file. This file helps to exclude unnecessary files and directories from being copied into the Docker image, which reduces its size and improves build performance.


This excludes node_modules, log files, and .git directories from the build context, which helps keep the image clean.

6. Maximize Docker Image Compression

Docker image compression tools, like docker-slim, can automatically reduce the size of your images by removing unnecessary files and optimizing them.

How It Works: 

These tools analyze and compress your Docker images to make them smaller while maintaining their functionality. By optimizing the image layers and removing unnecessary data, they help reduce the overall size of the Docker image, improving efficiency and performance. This process ensures that your images are more manageable and quicker to deploy.


Using docker-slim helps reduce the size of your Docker images without manual intervention.

7. Optimize Application Code

Efficient code and minimal dependencies can also contribute to smaller Docker images. Removing unused libraries and optimizing your code helps reduce the size of the application.

How It Works: 

Regularly review your application’s dependencies and code to eliminate anything that’s not needed. By doing so, you can remove unused libraries, files, and code that contribute to unnecessary bloat, helping to keep your Docker images smaller and more efficient. This practice also improves application performance and reduces potential security risks by minimizing the attack surface.


Check your package.json or requirements.txt files and keep only the necessary dependencies.

8. Use Layer Caching Efficiently

Docker caches layers to speed up the build process. By arranging your Dockerfile commands in a way that maximizes caching, you can make builds faster and more efficient.

How It Works: 

Place commands that change less frequently at the top of your Dockerfile so Docker can reuse cached layers for commands that remain the same. By doing this, Docker will only rebuild the layers that have changed, which speeds up the build process and makes it more efficient.


In this example, Docker can cache npm install and only rebuild if the application code changes.


By using these techniques, you can make your Docker images smaller and more efficient. Multi-stage builds, minimal base images, and removing unnecessary files are effective ways to reduce image size. These practices lead to faster deployments, lower storage use, and better overall performance for your microservices. Implementing these strategies helps ensure your Docker images are as lean and effective as possible.


Why is reducing Docker image size important for microservices?

Reducing Docker image size is important because it makes deployments faster, saves disk space, improves security, and lowers costs related to storage and data transfer.

What are some common techniques to reduce Docker image size?

Common techniques include using smaller base images, multi-stage builds, minimizing the number of layers, cleaning up unnecessary files, compressing images, and avoiding extra dependencies.

How do multi-stage builds help in reducing Docker image size?

Multi-stage builds use temporary containers to compile and build your app, then copy only the necessary parts to the final image, which removes unnecessary files and reduces the final size.

What are some recommended base images for smaller Docker images?

Recommended base images include alpine, busybox, and scratch, which are minimal and lightweight, providing only essential components.

How can I minimize the number of layers in a Docker image?

Minimize the number of layers by combining multiple commands into a single RUN instruction and using && to chain commands, ensuring each instruction adds only necessary files.

What is the role of the .dockerignore file in reducing image size?

The .dockerignore file excludes specified files and directories from being copied to the Docker image, reducing the image size by keeping unnecessary files out.

How can I clean up unnecessary files in a Docker image?

Clean up unnecessary files by removing temporary files, package manager caches, and build artifacts within the same RUN instruction to avoid adding extra layers.

What are some tools available for analyzing and reducing Docker image size?

Tools like dive, docker-slim, and Trivy help analyze, optimize, and reduce Docker image size by inspecting layers, identifying large files, and suggesting improvements.

Can compression techniques be applied to Docker images?

Yes, Docker images can be compressed using the docker save and docker load commands with tools like gzip to reduce the size of the image tarball for easier transfer and storage.

What is the advantage of using alpine as a base image?

The alpine base image is popular because it is very small, typically around 5 MB, and has a security-focused design, making it a great choice for lightweight and secure Docker images.

Laiba Ghaffar

Published by
Laiba Ghaffar

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