You can’t protect what you can’t see. Improve visibility, reduce risks and optimise costs with a modern security solution that takes asset management to the next level.

Gain full visibility to secure your entire network perimeter with Cyber Security Asset Management.

Without a complete understanding of all network assets, your security team can’t maintain efficient operations or support fast incident response procedures.

You need visibility of all your company assets including hardware, software, SaaS apps, cloud user identities and more. Furthermore, you need to know who is using them, how they’re configured and what security solutions are installed – allowing you to find vulnerabilities, discover gaps and prioritise risks.

There’s no shortage of asset data. The challenge is separating the actionable, meaningful information from the noise. With the right dashboards and reports you can better understand security posture trends, prioritise action, and measure progress.

That’s why CSI’s security team is partnering with Axonius for Cyber Security Asset Management, including innovative capabilities, such as SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) and Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM).

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A Trusted Partner in Cloud Services

Helping UK businesses manage, optimise and scale their time in the cloud.

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Benefits of Cyber Security Asset Management

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Gain a clear view of all digital assets and their security posture. Set the strategy for systematically managing vulnerabilities and asset-related risks across the organisation.

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Identify redundant or obsolete software and SaaS apps. Receive alerts and license utilisation insights to right-size licenses where appropriate.

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With comprehensive visibility into asset security, evaluate your adherence to compliance rules with security policies and regulations.

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Instantly address assets that don’t adhere to policies, validate controls to ensure solutions are properly deployed, and evaluate compliance with regulatory requirements.

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Aggregate, normalise, and correlate asset data from all deployed tools in the enterprise environment automatically and gain a single view of your technology environment.

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Simplify cyber asset and cyber risk reporting with a unified view of the asset environment, all related risks, and progress against remediation.

World Class Cyber Security Asset Management

The Axonius Platform can become your system of record for all digital infrastructure, which enables your IT and security teams understand all assets, their relationships, and business-level context.

With a comprehensive understanding of all assets including devices, identities, software, SaaS applications, vulnerabilities, security controls, and the context between them, you can mitigate threats, navigate risk, decrease incident response time, automate action, and inform business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks.

Get a comprehensive IT asset inventory, find coverage gaps & automate security policy.

Why choose the Axonius Platform?

1. VISIBILITY. Gain a comprehensive asset inventory through an ecosystem of over 800 API integrations.

2. CONTROL. Uncover gaps in security policies, configurations, and hygiene. Gain information about the security state of each asset to help your security team manage risk.

3. ENFORCE POLICY. Automatically apply security policies to reduce system weaknesses and harden assets against attack.

4. PROCESS EFFICIENCY. Achieve complete context and association into any given asset, resulting in faster incident response times.

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Meet Compliance and Governance Requirements

With the NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 (CSF) Draft including an expanded scope that sees a sixth function, ‘Govern’, it’s more crucial than ever for IT Security leaders to implement policies that minimise risk and deploy security controls.

Clear visibility into technology environments is increasingly difficult to achieve when information is spread across disparate tools and data sources. So using a tool that helps automate responses and simplify workflows for already busy security teams is a no-brainer.

  • Validate Policies and Automate Response.When assets deviate from policies or desired states, the platform helps you to quickly and easily take action. Send alerts, deploy commands, update the CMDB, increase the scope of vulnerability scanning – all from one management console.
  • Simplify Workflows Across Departments. Automatically validate and enforce policies, and decide which custom actions to trigger. Review automated findings and initiate remediation workflows, then track the status of tickets through to issue resolution.

Get Cyber Security Advice, Insight and Expertise.

Whether you need a comprehensive cyber security asset management solutions or advice and guidance about your security visibility and how to separate actionable information from the noise, get in touch today for a no-obligation chat with one of our specialists.

Contact CSI today to discuss how we can support your security goals by filling out the form. It only takes a few clicks to get your business aligned with robust security advice →

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