CloudOps Ltd

Best Practices For Secrets Management And Configuration Files In Docker Images In 2024

Best Practices For Secrets Management And Configuration Files In Docker Images In 2024

Secrets management and configuration files in Docker images is important for maintaining both the security and smooth operation of applications. Proper handling of these sensitive files ensures that unauthorized individuals cannot access critical information and helps mitigate potential security risks that could arise from mismanagement. Secrets and configuration files often contain sensitive data such as […]

Using AWS Cloud Formation And CodePipeline For Infrastructure As Code In 2024

Using AWS Cloud Formation And CodePipeline

Manually deploying infrastructure can be both complex and time-intensive, often requiring meticulous adjustments that increase the risk of errors and inconsistencies. Furthermore, once infrastructure is deployed using AWS CloudFormation, concerns about ‘drift’—where infrastructure changes over time and its state becomes unclear—can arise. CloudOps offers a solution to these issues by implementing a CI/CD pipeline with […]

Streamlined AWS Setup And User Management | Case Study

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The client, a Swiss-based tech company, specialises in developing innovative software solutions for various industries. With a growing user base and expanding operations, the company required a Streamlined AWS Setup And User Management to support its growth.  They approached CloudOps Ltd. to streamline their cloud solutions and enhance their security posture, operational efficiency, and user […]

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